[Apcupsd-users] Support for AP9623 Smart-Signaling UPS Interface Expander?
Walsh Computer Technology
2017-02-08 22:24:19 UTC
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Adam Kropelin
2017-02-09 02:18:36 UTC
If it obeys the apcsmart/UPS-Link protocol, you should be able to simply
use the "smart" cable type in apcupsd.conf. All the weird cable types are
for the plethora of "dumb" cables.
Hello all,
I have an APC AP9623 smart-signaling UPS expander board that I would like
to use with apcupsd. This particular board fits into an APC SmartSlot
expansion area and utilizes the APC Smart/UPSlink protocol. A null modem
cable is utilized to communicate with the host instead of the usual
940-0024 cable. I searched against the mailing list with the model number
and did not find any results. This seems to be something of an unusual
Unless I've missed something, apcupsd doesn't seem to offer a null modem
cable (APC #940-0103) selection in its list of cable types. Is it possible
for this cable type to be added? If it is already supported, or there is an
option by which a custom cable could be defined, how might I go about using
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