[Apcupsd-users] apcupsd with snmp driver show DWAKE in wrong units
Павел Мотырев
2017-02-15 19:13:44 UTC
Hello, Stan.

I think your answer is about another my email about killpower with
snmp-driver (http://marc.info/?l=apcupsd-users&m=148607354502795&w=2).
I sent two emails about two different bugs =)

This thread is only about wrong units for DWAKE, caused by using raw
SNMP-value instead of converting it to seconds.

Pavel Motyrev
See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apcupsd/+bug/1634572
This has been a big problem for many Ubuntu 16.04 users
Not sure if its the exact same problem, because the bug is related to
USB UPS's as far as i know. But i know that it does not send Killpower
to UPS.
Express your concern there as well so that the Ubuntu developers may fix
the issue.
# apcaccess | grep DWAKE
DWAKE : 6000 Seconds
Correct value is 100 times lower - 60 seconds.
OS: Ubuntu 16.10
Apcupsd version: 3.14.14 (31 May 2016)
UPS: Smart-UPS 2200
MN:AP9619 HR:A10 MD:11/02/2005
AOS: 3.7.3 (02/02/2010), StatApp(name: sumx): 3.7.2 (02/02/2010)
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