Rodolfo Segleau
2017-05-10 01:52:51 UTC
Hi everyone, so I setup apcupsd without a problem via the premade dmg on El Capitan with a SRT3000XLA hooked up via USB to an Xserve. We have a 6 servers total with a master/5 slave configuration. I have the slaves talking to the master server without a problem, but we would like to setup different policies for shutdown per server. To make things simple, the master should shutdown only when the UPS has 10% (or 5 minutes) left, but shutdown all the slaves when the UPS hits 75%. I went ahead and edited the /private/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf to reflect that, but it seems that the premade version is not reading those values (Iâm guessing itâs reading it from ~/Library/Preferences/com.apcupsd.apcagent.plist).
Is there a way to read/respect the apcupsd.conf file with the premade? Or maybe there are keys that I can add to the plist to reflect the .conf specs?
Is there a way to read/respect the apcupsd.conf file with the premade? Or maybe there are keys that I can add to the plist to reflect the .conf specs?