[Apcupsd-users] How to configure apcupsd for SMT1500RMI2U?
2017-05-15 12:12:51 UTC
Dear all,

what exactly are the steps needed to make apcupsd work with an APC SMT1500RMI2U?

I have tried to do my homework:

- I am using the most recent version of apcupsd (3.14.14-0.3 / debian stretch 64 bit)

- After having read the last post on http://forums.apc.com/spaces/5/smart-ups-symmetra-lx-rm/forums/general/5957/microlink-protocol-in-apcupsd/2, I have done a firmware upgrade on the UPS (it is now at 09.4), but to no avail.

- I have googled and searched the archives of this mailing list, but couldn't find anything that helped me.

My problem:

I have connected the UPS to the Linux box using the appropriate cable (shipped with the UPS, serial connector at one end (PC), RJ45 connector at the other (UPS). In my apcupsd.conf, there are the following entries (among others, of course):

UPSTYPE modbus
DEVICE /dev/ttyS0

This leads to the following result:

***@cerberus:/etc/apcupsd# apctest
2017-05-15 14:07:09 apctest 3.14.14 (31 May 2016) debian
Checking configuration ...
sharenet.type = Network & ShareUPS Disabled
cable.type = Custom Cable Smart
mode.type = MODBUS UPS Driver
Setting up the port ...
0.547 apcupsd: ModbusRs232Comm.cpp:219 ModbusRx: -------------------TIMEOUT
1.091 apcupsd: ModbusRs232Comm.cpp:219 ModbusRx: -------------------TIMEOUT
1.638 apcupsd: ModbusRs232Comm.cpp:219 ModbusRx: -------------------TIMEOUT
1.638 apcupsd: ModbusComm.cpp:212 SendAndWait: Retries exhausted
2.183 apcupsd: ModbusRs232Comm.cpp:219 ModbusRx: -------------------TIMEOUT

I also have tried with

UPSTYPE apcsmart

and then got the following:

***@cerberus:/etc/apcupsd# apctest
2017-05-15 14:09:24 apctest 3.14.14 (31 May 2016) debian
Checking configuration ...
sharenet.type = Network & ShareUPS Disabled
cable.type = Custom Cable Smart
mode.type = APC Smart UPS (any)
Setting up the port ...
apctest FATAL ERROR in smartsetup.c at line 155
PANIC! Cannot communicate with UPS via serial port.
Please make sure the port specified on the DEVICE directive is correct,
and that your cable specification on the UPSCABLE directive is correct.
apctest error termination completed

I think I am missing something obvious here. Any ideas?

Thank you very much,

2017-05-15 14:49:19 UTC
Post by Recursive
what exactly are the steps needed to make apcupsd work with an APC SMT1500RMI2U?
To answer my own question: I probably should not have read apcupsd's manual deep in the night. As it correctly states, *most UPSs ship with modbus support disabled*.

As soon as I had enabled the modbus support (using the LCD control unit which is at the front of the UPS), things magically started to work.

I apologize for the useless post. What a shame that there is not a single word about it at APC's web site or in APC's manuals.

Thanks again,

